PFE Sheet: Mastering the Art of Preventing Resize with Frozen Columns in PF7
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PFE Sheet: Mastering the Art of Preventing Resize with Frozen Columns in PF7

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky resize issues in your PFE sheet, especially when working with frozen columns in PF7? Worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of PFE sheets and explore the secrets to preventing resize with frozen columns, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Understanding PFE Sheets and Frozen Columns

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the basics. PFE sheets are powerful tools used in PF7 to create dynamic, data-driven tables. Frozen columns, on the other hand, allow you to lock specific columns in place, making it easier to navigate large datasets. However, when combined, these two features can sometimes lead to resize issues.

The Problem: Resize Issues with Frozen Columns

When you freeze columns in a PFE sheet, the column headers and data become fixed, but the rest of the table remains resizable. This can lead to a frustrating user experience, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex table structures. The resize issue can manifest in various ways:

  • Columns overlapping or disappearing
  • Data becoming distorted or misaligned
  • Table borders and formatting getting disrupted

Solutions to Prevent Resize with Frozen Columns

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s explore the solutions to prevent resize issues with frozen columns in PFE sheets:

Solution 1: Set a Fixed Width for the Table

One of the simplest ways to prevent resize issues is to set a fixed width for the table. This can be achieved by adding the following code to your PFE sheet:

<table style="table-layout: fixed; width: 1000px;">
  <!-- Your table content here -->

In this example, we’re setting the table width to 1000 pixels, but you can adjust this value based on your specific requirements. By doing so, the table will maintain its width, and the frozen columns will remain in place.

Solution 2: Use the `freezeCols` Property

Another solution is to utilize the `freezeCols` property, which allows you to specify the columns that should be frozen. By setting this property, you can prevent the resize issue:

  :freeze-cols="['Column 1', 'Column 2']"
  <!-- Your table content here -->

In this example, we’re freezing the first two columns, `Column 1` and `Column 2`, using the `freezeCols` property. This will ensure that these columns remain in place, even when the user resizes the table.

Solution 3: Implement a Custom Resize Handler

For more complex scenarios, you can create a custom resize handler to manage the resize behavior of your table. This can be achieved by adding a JavaScript function to your PFE sheet:

function handleResize(event) {
  const tableWidth =;
  const frozenColsWidth = 200; // Adjust this value based on your frozen columns width
  const availableWidth = tableWidth - frozenColsWidth;
  const columns ='th, td');
  columns.forEach((column) => { = `${availableWidth / columns.length}px`;

<table onresize="handleResize(event)">
  <!-- Your table content here -->

In this example, we’re using a JavaScript function to calculate the available width of the table, taking into account the width of the frozen columns. We then iterate through each column and set its width based on the available width, ensuring a seamless resize experience.

Best Practices for Working with Frozen Columns in PFE Sheets

In addition to the solutions above, here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with frozen columns in PFE sheets:

  1. Set a fixed width for the frozen columns: By setting a fixed width for the frozen columns, you can ensure that they remain in place, even when the user resizes the table.
  2. Use a consistent column width: Using a consistent column width can help maintain a clean and organized table structure, making it easier to work with frozen columns.
  3. Avoid using percentages for column widths: When using percentages for column widths, resizing issues can occur. Instead, use fixed widths or adjust the widths based on the available space.
  4. Test your PFE sheet extensively: Always test your PFE sheet with different datasets, screen sizes, and browsers to ensure that the resize issue is resolved.


In conclusion, preventing resize issues with frozen columns in PFE sheets requires a combination of clever coding and attention to detail. By implementing one or more of the solutions outlined above and following best practices, you can ensure a seamless user experience and create powerful, data-driven tables that meet your users’ needs.

Keyword Description
PFE Sheet A powerful tool used in PF7 to create dynamic, data-driven tables.
Frozen Columns A feature that allows you to lock specific columns in place, making it easier to navigate large datasets.

Remember to stay vigilant and keep an eye out for any resize issues that may arise. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of PFE sheets and frozen columns, creating exceptional user experiences that delight and inspire.

Here is the requested Q&A section about “PFE Sheet how to prevent resize with frozen columns in PF7”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about preventing PFE sheet resize with frozen columns in PF7!

How do I prevent the PFE sheet from resizing when I have frozen columns in PF7?

Easy peasy! Simply set the `resize` property to `false` in your PFE sheet configuration. This will lock the sheet size and prevent it from resizing, even when you have frozen columns. For example: ``. VoilĂ !

What if I want to allow resizing in one direction, but not the other?

No worries! You can use the `resizeX` and `resizeY` properties to control resizing in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. For example, to allow resizing only in the horizontal direction, set `resizeX` to `true` and `resizeY` to `false`. Like this: ``. Easy!

Can I prevent resizing of a specific column or range of columns?

You bet! You can use the `columnResizing` property to specify which columns can be resized. For example, to prevent resizing of columns 2 and 3, set `columnResizing` to `{{ 2: false, 3: false }}`. This will lock the width of columns 2 and 3, but allow resizing of other columns.

How do I freeze columns while still allowing some columns to be resized?

Simple! Use the `frozenColumns` property to specify which columns should be frozen, and the `resize` property to allow resizing of other columns. For example: ``. This will freeze the first 2 columns, but allow resizing of the remaining columns.

Can I programmatically prevent resizing of the PFE sheet at runtime?

Yes, you can! Use the `resize` property and bind it to a variable or a function that returns a boolean value. For example, ``. Then, in your component, set the `shouldResize` variable to `false` when you want to prevent resizing.

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