How to Add “Acknowledgements” in Thesis in RMarkdown: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Add “Acknowledgements” in Thesis in RMarkdown: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to add an “Acknowledgements” section in your thesis using RMarkdown! Adding acknowledgements is an essential part of writing a thesis, as it allows you to express gratitude to the people and organizations that have contributed to your research. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an “Acknowledgements” section in RMarkdown, making it easy for you to give credit where credit is due.

Why are Acknowledgements Important?

Acknowledgements are a crucial part of any research paper, including a thesis. They serve as a way to acknowledge the contributions of others, such as:

  • Supervisors, mentors, or colleagues who provided guidance and support
  • Research participants or assistants who helped with data collection
  • Organizations or institutions that provided funding or resources
  • Individuals who provided technical support or expertise

By including an “Acknowledgements” section, you demonstrate your integrity and appreciation for the people and organizations that have helped you achieve your research goals.

Creating an “Acknowledgements” Section in RMarkdown

To add an “Acknowledgements” section in your thesis using RMarkdown, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a New RMarkdown File

Open RStudio and create a new RMarkdown file by selecting “File” > “New File” > “R Markdown” from the menu. Give your file a name, such as “acknowledgements.Rmd”.

title: "Acknowledgements"
output: pdf_document

In the above code, we’ve specified the title of our document as “Acknowledgements” and set the output to a PDF document.

Step 2: Add the “Acknowledgements” Section

In your RMarkdown file, add the following code to create a new section:

# Acknowledgements

This will create a new section titled “Acknowledgements” in your document.

Step 3: Add Acknowledgement Text

Start adding the acknowledgement text using standard Markdown syntax. You can use paragraphs, lists, and formatting as needed:

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Jane Doe, for her guidance and support throughout this research project.

I am also grateful to the following individuals for their contributions:
* John Smith for his assistance with data collection
* Jane Johnson for her expertise in statistical analysis

In the above example, we’ve added a paragraph of acknowledgement text, followed by a list of individuals who have contributed to the research.

Step 4: Add Additional Information (Optional)

If you want to add additional information, such as funding or institutional support, you can include it in a separate paragraph or section:

This research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF-1234567).
Institution Role
University of XYZ Research Institution
National Science Foundation Funding Agency

In the above example, we’ve added a paragraph with funding information and a table with additional institutional support details.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when creating your “Acknowledgements” section:

  • Be sincere and genuine in your acknowledgements
  • Use a formal tone, but make it engaging and readable
  • Keep your acknowledgements concise and to the point
  • Proofread your acknowledgements carefully to avoid errors


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to add an “Acknowledgements” section in your thesis using RMarkdown. By following these steps and tips, you can create a comprehensive and sincere acknowledgement section that gives credit to those who have contributed to your research. Remember to be genuine, concise, and clear in your acknowledgements, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need further guidance.

Now, go ahead and add those acknowledgements to your thesis! You’ve earned it

** Bonus Tip: ** If you’re using RMarkdown to write your thesis, don’t forget to explore the many other features and customization options available. From citations and referencing to formatting and output options, RMarkdown has got you covered!

** Keywords: ** RMarkdown, thesis, acknowledgements, research, writing, academic writing, LaTeX, PDF, Markdown, academic integrity

Note: This article is optimized for the keyword “How to add "acknowledgements" in thesis in RMarkdown” and includes relevant subheadings, formatting, and meta tags to improve search engine optimization (SEO).

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to ace your thesis with these frequently asked questions about adding acknowledgements in RMarkdown!

Q1: What is the best way to add acknowledgements in RMarkdown?

You can add acknowledgements in RMarkdown by creating a separate section or chapter for them. Use the `# Acknowledgements` header to create a new section, and then write your acknowledgements in Markdown format. You can also use LaTeX code if you need more customization.

Q2: Can I add acknowledgements at the end of the thesis, like in a traditional thesis?

Yes, you can add acknowledgements at the end of the thesis, just like in a traditional thesis. In RMarkdown, you can use the `appendix` option in the YAML header to create an appendix section, and then add your acknowledgements there. For example, `appendix: acknowledgements` will create an appendix section with the title “Acknowledgements”.

Q3: How do I format my acknowledgements in RMarkdown?

You can format your acknowledgements in RMarkdown using Markdown syntax. Use headers (`#`, `##`, `###`) to create headings, and use paragraphs and line breaks to separate your text. You can also use LaTeX code for more advanced formatting, such as inserting images or tables.

Q4: Can I add images or tables to my acknowledgements in RMarkdown?

Yes, you can add images and tables to your acknowledgements in RMarkdown. Use the `![](image.png)` syntax to insert an image, and use the `knitr::kable()` function to create tables. You can also use LaTeX code to customize the appearance of your images and tables.

Q5: Do I need to cite my acknowledgements in the bibliography?

No, you don’t need to cite your acknowledgements in the bibliography. Acknowledgements are a separate section from the main text and bibliography, and are not typically cited as references. However, if you’re unsure, check with your thesis advisor or institutional guidelines for specific requirements.