Mastering the Art of Redirecting Standard Error: Hiding the Prompt of the Read Command
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Mastering the Art of Redirecting Standard Error: Hiding the Prompt of the Read Command

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Are you tired of dealing with the annoying prompt of the read command in your shell scripts? Do you want to learn how to redirect standard error and keep your output clean and organized? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of redirection and teach you how to hide the prompt of the read command like a pro.

Understanding Standard Input, Output, and Error

Before we dive into redirecting standard error, it’s essential to understand the basics of standard input, output, and error in Linux. Standard input (stdin) is the input stream that provides data to a command or program. Standard output (stdout) is the output stream that displays the results of a command or program. Standard error (stderr) is the error stream that displays error messages and warnings.

By default, stdout is displayed on the screen, and stderr is also displayed on the screen, but with a different file descriptor (FD 2). This means that when you run a command, the output is displayed on the screen, and any error messages are also displayed on the screen, often with a different color or formatting.

The Read Command and Its Annoying Prompt

The read command is a fundamental command in Linux that reads input from the user and stores it in a variable. The syntax of the read command is:

read -p "prompt" variable

The problem with the read command is that it displays a prompt to the user, which can be distracting and unnecessary in many cases. The prompt is the text that is displayed to the user, asking them to input some data. For example:

read -p "Enter your name: " name

This command will display the prompt “Enter your name: ” and wait for the user to input their name. However, what if we want to hide this prompt and make the input process more seamless?

Redirecting Standard Error to Hide the Prompt

To hide the prompt of the read command, we need to redirect standard error to a file or a null device. This can be done using the `2>` symbol, which redirects stderr to a file or device. For example:

read -p "Enter your name: " name 2> /dev/null

In this example, the stderr stream is redirected to the `/dev/null` device, which discards all input. This means that the prompt “Enter your name: ” will not be displayed to the user.

Alternatively, you can redirect stderr to a file, like this:

read -p "Enter your name: " name 2> error.log

In this case, the stderr stream is redirected to the `error.log` file, which will contain the prompt and any other error messages.

Using `read` with `-s` Option to Hide the Prompt

In addition to redirecting standard error, you can also use the `-s` option with the `read` command to hide the prompt. The `-s` option tells `read` to turn off echoing, which means that the prompt will not be displayed to the user.

read -s -p "Enter your name: " name

In this example, the `-s` option is used in conjunction with the `-p` option to specify the prompt. However, because of the `-s` option, the prompt will not be displayed to the user.

Combining `read` with `-s` and Redirection

You can combine the `-s` option with redirection to hide the prompt and redirect stderr to a file or device. For example:

read -s -p "Enter your name: " name 2> /dev/null

In this example, the prompt is hidden using the `-s` option, and the stderr stream is redirected to the `/dev/null` device.

Real-World Scenarios for Hiding the Prompt

So, why would you want to hide the prompt of the read command? Here are some real-world scenarios:

  • Automated scripts: When writing automated scripts, you often want to hide the prompt to make the script run silently in the background.

  • Interactive scripts: In interactive scripts, you may want to hide the prompt to make the input process more seamless and user-friendly.

  • Security: In some cases, you may want to hide the prompt to prevent sensitive information from being displayed on the screen.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

When working with redirection and the read command, there are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Forgetting to use the `2>` symbol: Make sure to use the `2>` symbol to redirect stderr, otherwise, the prompt will still be displayed.

  2. Not using the `-s` option: If you want to hide the prompt, make sure to use the `-s` option with the read command.

  3. Redirecting to the wrong file: Make sure to redirect stderr to the correct file or device, otherwise, the prompt may still be displayed.


In conclusion, hiding the prompt of the read command is a powerful technique that can be used in a variety of scenarios. By redirecting standard error and using the `-s` option, you can make your scripts and programs more user-friendly and efficient.

Remember to use the `2>` symbol to redirect stderr, and the `-s` option to hide the prompt. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of redirecting standard error and hiding the prompt of the read command.

Command Description
read -p "prompt" variable Displays a prompt to the user and stores the input in a variable.
read -s -p "prompt" variable Hides the prompt and stores the input in a variable.
read -p "prompt" variable 2> /dev/null Redirects stderr to /dev/null, hiding the prompt.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you master the art of redirecting standard error and hiding the prompt of the read command. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about redirecting standard error and its effect on the read command prompt!

Why does redirecting standard error hide the prompt of the read command?

When you redirect standard error, it redirects both the standard error and the prompt of the read command to the specified file or location. This means that the prompt is no longer displayed on the screen, making it seem like it has disappeared!

How can I redirect standard error without hiding the prompt of the read command?

To redirect standard error without hiding the prompt, you can use the `2>&1` syntax, which redirects both standard error and standard output to the same location. This way, the prompt will still be displayed on the screen while errors are redirected to a file or location.

What is the difference between `2> file` and `2>&1`?

`2> file` redirects only the standard error to the specified file, while `2>&1` redirects both standard error and standard output to the same location. In other words, `2>&1` combines the two streams into one, allowing you to capture both output and errors in a single file.

Can I redirect standard error to a different file than standard output?

Yes, you can redirect standard error to a different file than standard output using the `2> file` syntax. For example, `command > output.txt 2> error.txt` would redirect the standard output to `output.txt` and the standard error to `error.txt`.

Is redirecting standard error necessary in all cases?

No, redirecting standard error is not necessary in all cases. In fact, in many cases, it’s not needed at all. However, when working with commands that produce a lot of error output, redirecting standard error can help keep your terminal clean and make it easier to focus on the actual output.