Mastering DataTables: How to Add Default Checked Rows in Shadc Data Table
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Mastering DataTables: How to Add Default Checked Rows in Shadc Data Table

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Are you tired of manually checking rows in your Shadc Data Table every time you need to perform an action? Do you wish there was a way to make certain rows checked by default, saving you time and effort? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you exactly how to add default checked rows in Shadc Data Table, making your workflow more efficient and streamlined.

What are Shadc Data Tables?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a quick look at what Shadc Data Tables are. Shadc is a popular JavaScript library used to create interactive, customizable, and feature-rich tables. It’s widely used in web applications to display large datasets in a user-friendly manner. With Shadc, you can create tables with advanced features like filtering, sorting, and row selection.

The Problem: Manually Checking Rows

One common issue with Shadc Data Tables is that you need to manually check rows every time you want to perform an action, such as deleting or editing records. This can be tedious, especially when working with large datasets. What if you could make certain rows checked by default, based on specific conditions or criteria? That’s exactly what we’ll cover in this article.

The Solution: Adding Default Checked Rows

Shadc provides a range of options for customizing row selection. One of these options is the rowSelected callback function, which allows you to define which rows should be selected by default. Let’s explore how to use this function to add default checked rows in your Shadc Data Table.

Method 1: Using the rowSelected Callback Function

The rowSelected callback function takes a single argument, row, which represents the current row being processed. By returning true or false, you can determine whether the row should be selected or not.

// Example 1: Select all rows with a specific ID
var dataTable = $('#myTable').DataTable({
  rowSelected: function(row, data,.index) {
    return === 1; // Select rows with ID = 1

In this example, we’re using the rowSelected callback function to select all rows with an ID of 1. You can modify this function to suit your specific requirements, such as selecting rows based on other conditions or criteria.

Method 2: Using the select API Method

Another way to add default checked rows is by using the select API method. This method allows you to select rows programmatically, based on specific criteria.

// Example 2: Select rows using the select API method
var dataTable = $('#myTable').DataTable({
  initComplete: function() {
    var rowsToSelect = [
      { id: 1, name: 'John Doe' },
      { id: 2, name: 'Jane Doe' }
    $.each(rowsToSelect, function(index, row) {
      dataTable.row(':contains("' + + '")').select();

In this example, we’re using the initComplete callback function to select rows based on a predefined array of objects. We’re using the select API method to select the rows that match the specified criteria.

Common Use Cases for Default Checked Rows

So, when would you want to use default checked rows in your Shadc Data Table? Here are some common use cases:

  • Selecting rows based on user roles: You can use default checked rows to select rows based on the current user’s role or permissions.
  • Highlighting important records: Use default checked rows to highlight important records or rows that require attention.
  • Filtering by default: You can use default checked rows to filter the table by default, making it easier for users to navigate large datasets.
  • Simplifying workflow: Default checked rows can simplify workflows by making it easier to perform bulk actions on specific rows.

Troubleshooting and Optimization

When working with default checked rows, you may encounter issues or performance issues, especially when dealing with large datasets. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot and optimize your implementation:

  1. Optimize your data: Make sure your dataset is optimized for performance, with adequate indexing and caching.
  2. Use efficient selection logic: Use efficient selection logic to minimize the number of rows that need to be processed.
  3. Leverage Shadc’s built-in features: Take advantage of Shadc’s built-in features, such as filtering and sorting, to reduce the amount of data being processed.
  4. Test and iterate: Test your implementation thoroughly and iterate on your solution to ensure it’s working as expected.


Adding default checked rows in Shadc Data Table can greatly enhance the user experience and streamline workflows. By using the rowSelected callback function or the select API method, you can create tables that are more interactive and user-friendly. Remember to optimize your implementation and troubleshoot any issues that arise. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Shadc Data Tables and creating amazing data-driven applications.

Method Description
rowSelected Callback Function Returns true or false to determine whether a row should be selected
select API Method Selects rows programmatically based on specific criteria

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you learn how to add default checked rows in Shadc Data Table. With practice and patience, you’ll become a Shadc master and create amazing data-driven applications that delight your users.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “how to add default checked rows in shadcn data table?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to add default checked rows in Shadcn data table and take your data management game to the next level!

How do I select specific rows to be checked by default in Shadcn data table?

You can achieve this by assigning a function to the `checkCallback` option in your Shadcn data table configuration. This function will be called whenever a row is rendered, allowing you to return `true` to select the specific rows you want to be checked by default.

Can I use a specific column value to determine which rows should be checked by default?

Yes, you can! In the `checkCallback` function, you can access the row data and evaluate a specific column value to determine whether the row should be checked or not. For example, you can check if a column named `isSelected` is set to `true` and return the value of that column to select the corresponding rows.

How do I implement the `checkCallback` function in my Shadcn data table configuration?

To implement the `checkCallback` function, you need to add it to your Shadcn data table configuration object. For example: `const tableConfig = { …, checkCallback: (row) => row.isSelected };`. This will call the `checkCallback` function for each row and return the value of the `isSelected` column to determine whether the row should be checked or not.

Can I use an array of row IDs to select specific rows to be checked by default?

Yes, you can! You can pass an array of row IDs to the `checkedRows` option in your Shadcn data table configuration. This will select the specified rows to be checked by default. For example: `const tableConfig = { …, checkedRows: [1, 3, 5] };`. This will select the rows with IDs 1, 3, and 5 to be checked by default.

Are there any optimization techniques to improve performance when selecting a large number of default checked rows?

Yes, there are! When selecting a large number of default checked rows, it’s essential to optimize the performance of your Shadcn data table. One technique is to use pagination to limit the number of rows rendered at once. You can also use caching to store the selected rows and avoid re-computing them on each render. Additionally, you can use a more efficient data structure, such as a Set, to store the row IDs and check for membership instead of iterating over the entire data set.